Flight Information Services Section of the Air Traffic Services Division, the National Civil Aviation Center provides information services at a frequency of 5715kHz on the radio communication band from “Artsat” work position. The main function of Flight Information Services Section is to provide real-time information about flight situation, meteorological data, and other relevant information to the aircraft flying in the uncontrolled airspace “Class G”.

The requirements, regulations, and information related to flying in the airspace controlled by the National Civil Aviation Center of Mongolia, as well as the routes and services provided by air traffic control services, can be found here by referring to detailed information obtained from the Aeronautical Information Publication. 

 Mr. Munguntsom Baldandorj has been appointed as the Head of the Flight Information Services Section within the Air Traffic Services Division of the National Civil Aviation Center of Mongolia. /Office telephone +(976)71-281526/Please contact the Artsat work position of the Air Traffic Control Services Section of the Air Traffic Services Division at +(976)71-281635.

 As a Pilot or Stakeholder, you can report Air navigation services’ Safety Issues or Occurrences, Incidents & Accidents to Mongolian Air Traffic Services Division’s Safety Management Section by following address:

  1. Mail address: safety-atc@mcaa.gov.mnats_sq@mcaa.gov.mn;
  2. Telephone: +(976) 71-281174; +(976) 71-281619.

 We would be delighted to collaborate with you to ensure the confirmation of aviation safety.